Set yourself free to pursue the life you truly desire.

This self-paced online course is for those who want to overcome the self-doubt, fears, and limiting beliefs holding you back from becoming the most liberated + aligned + deeply fulfilled version of yourself. Let's get unstuck and manifest a life of inner + outer freedom. 


This course was magic and a beautiful container for digging deep, and uncovering those hidden subconscious beliefs that may be holding us back! Loved having your voice carry through and the journal sections were NOT to be missed. Every sentence had power, this course is jam-packed with golden nuggets that can help to expedite the path to one's highest destiny. Truly empowering and a reminder of our innate power. For me, being in a life transition moment, this was perfect timing, and a needed reminder to create our lives and never settle. Most of what was holding me back was my attachment to keeping the "matrix 9-5" for "security", and now that the chord has been cut, I do feel more energy to pursue my dreams. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Highly recommend. 

Jess R, Boston

This course was *exactly* what I needed to really understand how I was holding myself back in my own life, so I could finally get unstuck and feel inspired again. During this course, I had so many aha moments around my higher potential and what I truly desire and deserve in life. I am now so much more motivated to start creating my life of passion and freedom. I am very grateful for Laura's guidance. 

Zoey, NYC

Before this course, I was limiting myself in so many ways while navigating so much self-doubt and fear around pursuing the life of freedom that I dream about. This course came to me in divine timing and helped me tune in deeply, release so many limiting beliefs and fears, and begin feeling SO much more confident in my life path and potential. Thanks to this course I am making big leaps in my life and already feel SO much more free and aligned. 

Leah, Dallas tX

Kind words

Beyond the "rules", status quo, societal expectations, rat race, and hamster wheels?

Beyond the "supposed-to-do's" and "should-be's" of mainstream society?

Beyond all perceived limitations that live in the mind? 

An intuitive feeling.
A magnetic pull.
A greater vision.

A higher calling streaming through your heart.

Calling you and guiding you towards the liberating, radically aligned paradigm you truly desire to be in. 

Since you're reading this, this probably resonates... and your higher self has guided you to the right place, at the right time. 

Do you have that unshakeable feeling that there is something "more"... something greater for you beyond the paradigm you are currently anchored in?

You're a visionary. You have higher visions, bigger dreams, and greater desires oscillating within you that are craving to be manifested.

Yet, you seem to be floating between worlds, in the “in-between” — the space between where you are and where you are called to be — the void between who you were and who you are becoming. The transformational realm between where you feel trapped and where you feel free. You're determined and devoted to conquer the in-between and create a life of true, heart and soul-aligned freedom.

This is where The Freedom Frequency Academy meets you... in the "in-between"... to give you the keys that will open doors of remembrance and liberation for you.  

This academy is for the awakening woman who is on a spiritual growth + personal growth journey, and hears the call to align with their true north and pursue the highest vision for their life. 

You're a visionary. You have higher visions, bigger dreams, and greater desires oscillating within you that are craving to be manifested.

Yet, you seem to be floating between worlds, in the “in-between” — the space between where you are and where you are called to be — the void between who you were and who you are becoming. The transformational realm between where you feel trapped and where you feel free. You're determined and devoted to conquer the in-between and create a life of true, heart and soul-aligned freedom.

This is where The Freedom Frequency Academy meets you... in the "in-between"... to give you the keys that will open doors of remembrance and liberation for you.

This academy is for the awakening woman who is on a spiritual growth + personal growth journey, and hears the call to align with their true north and pursue the highest vision for their life. 

I have had authentic conversations with hundreds of incredible women who are awakening to all the ways they feel trapped and anchored down in their own lives. Maybe you can relate to this...

Hearing your higher calling to forge a new path and align with your higher visions... but totally overwhelmed with how to even begin breaking free from the rat race.

Knowing you are here to answer the call and manifest BIG things  you're a visionary with a mission — but you're still doubting yourself and navigating fear + resistance.

Feeling the soul urge to break free from the mainstream one-size-fits-all box that is limiting you... but you're still trapped in "survival mode" and weighed down by what is "socially acceptable".

Imagining a more fulfilling life of expansion and inspiration your creative spark of inspiration wants to be reignited  but you're still stuck in the monotonous cycle of hamster wheelin' and haven't figured out how to break the cycle. 

Awakening to the fact that you have been settling for less than what you truly desire and less than your potential. You still feel like what you truly want is out of reach because you're holding onto stories of, "not realistic" or "not logical". 

Dreaming of a big career pivot or soul-aligned business creation, but feeling handcuffed to a job that is unfulfilling + depleting. You're burnt the f*k out and just don't know where to find the time nor energy to pivot + recreate.

Craving to authentically express yourself and align with your true north  — you want to speak + live your truth and share your gifts with the world — but you still worry about how others perceive you and have a fear of judgment or disapproval. 

Immersed in a spiritual self-healing journey to rise up into your highest embodiment, but you're still getting pulled down by limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and blocks. Sometimes it feels like there are anchors holding you in place.

Magnetized to the quantum realm of energy, vibration and manifestation, but you haven't fully grasped how to implement consistent practices that can actually liberate you. You're seeking simplified tools and frameworks to guide and empower you as you pursue your life of freedom. 

Does this pull at your heart strings?

We can only lead others through the trenches we have conquered and the mountain tops we now stand upon. I started my journey to freedom 5 years ago when I started waking up to all the ways I didn't feel free... I felt SO trapped. 

I was settling. I was conforming. I was fitting a mold. I was suppressing my soul. I couldn't handle it anymore... I thought I was going to explode. 

At the time, I was working a sales job at Google and it marked all the boxes of "success"... but it left me totally unfulfilled, depleted, and uninspired. I was spiritually awakening and the limiting realm I was in began to feel way too heavy on my heart. I knew this wasn't what I was born to do.

I was being called to something GREATER... I was being called to my true north and true freedom.

So, I answered the call; I was devoted to my highest vision. I blessed and released all that was no longer in alignment with my evolution and I set the intention to create a life of radical alignment, expansion, and freedom. I began my transformational self-healing journey through the "in-between".... towards freedom.

But... the journey to freedom can be a whirlwind ... emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally. I needed support. I needed resources. I needed empowerment tools. I needed clarity. I needed likeminded community. I needed a framework. 

I needed *this academy*... but it didn't exist.

Ohhh have I been there. I know these anchors very well, which is why I created The Freedom Frequency Academy

Until now...VOILA. 

I heard the call to create this academy to provide you with the tools, revelations, and framework that I wish I had 5 years ago on my journey to freedom.

I answered the call... and that is how The Freedom Frequency Academy was born into the world. These are the 8 liberating keys that have drastically helped me transform my life into one of true-north-alignment, deep fulfillment, and freedom. I want you to have these keys so that you can experience the same amazing liberation in your own life. 

Pursuing your higher calling without hesitation and confidently forging your own path as a trailblazer.

Bringing your most so-called “unrealistic” visions into reality, which leaves others scratching their heads.

Thriving in a realm of freedom and expansion... free from the boxy rules and limitations of mainstream society, and free from the rat race.

Your creative, inspirational spark is LIT because you broke free from the cycle of “same-same, so-so-ness" to pursue expansiveness.

Sharing your intuitive gifts with the world, embodying your highest self, and speaking your truth from the mountain tops. 

Living wherever your heart desires and doing soul-aligned "work" that doesn't feel like work because it's your true north.

You feel boundless ~ you have total freedom of your time, space, and energy.

Radiating self-confidence because you know you are here to play big, shift paradigms, and never settle.

Manifesting the most liberating, abundant, fulfilling life that lights you up, like the light that you are.

I want everyone to experience the shifts I have experienced over the past 5 years because they are SO incredible. Imagine...

Enroll now

This course leads you there...

In this online course, we liberate ourselves through energetic alignment techniques, manifestation practices, alchemy, energy healing, subconscious reprogramming, consciousness expansion, and mindset mastery practices

This course is designed to guide you into remembrance of the power you hold within... the power to set yourself free and shift into a paradigm of true-north-alignment+ liberation. 

I teach all the wisdom and revelations I have gained from my 5+ year spiritual awakening and healing journey, as well as what I have learned from studying and immersing myself in the world of energy, alchemy, higher consciousness, and manifestation. 

My greatest intention for The Freedom Frequency Academy is to reignite your unwavering belief in yourself and your higher calling, so you can create the liberating life you truly desire within the deepest portal of your heart. 

Introducing the academy



It all begins with your word — your intention — and the power of your subconscious mind. I teach you about word magick and the power of your subconscious mind as the projector of your reality.


The Freedom Frequency Academy

8 liberating keys to reactivate the freedom frequency within you, so that you can manifest a a life of true-north-alignment and freedom.


Manifestation is a hybrid of quantum physics and our spiritual superpowers. We live in a matrix that disconnects us from these truths. This key is designed to guide you into remembrance of the manifestation power you truly hold. 



I teach you the most powerful way to tap into your higher visions and imprint your subconscious mind with your ideals. I also guide you through a powerful activation. 



Consciousness is power. Without higher awareness, we don't actually have free-will to shift because we don't "see" beyond our current blocks + limitations. Raising our consciousness is how we begin breaking free and conquering the in-between.



I am so passionate about this topic. I teach you what the matrix is and how it works to trap the majority in an extremely limiting, disempowering reality. To master the matrix and break free, we must master our beliefs, our attention, and reprogram our subconscious mind.



Too many of us are prisoners to our past pain and challenges. We can't move forward and liberate ourselves until we use alchemy to turn our pain into power, challenges into triumph, and scars into wisdom. I'm here to teach you how to reactivate your inner alchemist.



Our resonance is the rate at which we are vibrating at... which determines the reality we experience and what we magnetize into our life (what we resonate with). I share transformational tools to master your resonance, tune into a higher frequency, and align with your highest, most liberated self. 



 Aligned action as a sovereign self-leader is the final key to setting yourself free. However, too many of us are stuck in cycles of self-sabotage that hold us back... often unconsciously. I teach you how to use your subconscious mind and higher consciousness to shift away from self-sabotage and into self-leadership.


Here is a sneak peak into the 8 modules:

The #1 key to begin manifesting a life of freedom...


The Freedom Frequency Academy

8 liberating keys to reactivate the freedom frequency within you, so that you can manifest a a life of true-north-alignment and freedom.

Remember your power as a manifestor 

Manifestation is a hybrid of quantum physics and our spiritual superpowers. We live in a matrix that disconnects us from these truths. This key is designed to guide you into remembrance of the manifestation power you truly hold. 


Create your highest vision of freedom + a guided activation 

I teach you the most powerful way to tap into your higher visions and imprint your subconscious mind with your ideals. I also guide you through a powerful activation. 


Become conscious of all the ways you are not free

Consciousness is power. Without higher awareness, we don't actually have free-will to shift because we don't "see" beyond our current blocks + limitations. Raising our consciousness is how we begin breaking free and conquering the in-between.


It all begins with your word — your intention — and the power of your subconscious mind. I teach you about word magick and the power of your subconscious mind as the projector of your reality.

Mastering the matrix through mastering your beliefs 



turning your challenges into triumphs through alchemy

master your resonance and take control of the frequency you live on 




I am so passionate about this topic. I teach you what the matrix is and how it works to trap the majority in an extremely limiting, disempowering reality. To master the matrix and break free, we must master our beliefs, our attention, and reprogram our subconscious mind.

Too many of us are prisoners to our past pain and challenges. We can't move forward and liberate ourselves until we use alchemy to turn our pain into power, challenges into triumph, and scars into wisdom. I'm here to teach you how to reactivate your inner alchemist.

Transcend self-sabotage and take action as a sovereign self leader

Our resonance is the rate at which we are vibrating at... which determines the reality we experience and what we magnetize into our life. I share transformational tools to master your resonance, tune into a higher frequency, and align with your highest, most liberated self. 

 Aligned action as a sovereign self-leader is the final key to setting yourself free. However, too many of us are stuck in cycles of self-sabotage that hold us back... often unconsciously. I teach you how to use your subconscious mind and higher consciousness to shift away from self-sabotage and into self-leadership.

Energy Exchange


one-time payment
or 2 monthly payments


It feels like just yesterday when I was sitting at my desk job feeling totally trapped in my life, hearing a gentle voice within, "this ain't it Laura... this isn't what you were born to do... it's time to liberate yourself and answer the call." So I answered it.

And since that time, I have been following my true north and forging my own path as a trailblazer. I have traveled to 38 countries, became a freedompreneur, created a soul-aligned coaching business,  started a podcast called To Be Free, and brought a magnificent baby boy named Atlas Sol into the world.

I am now living in Costa Rica with my family where I swim in waterfalls, soak up beach sunsets, and run a business that allows me to share my wisdom and gifts with the world. I work 4 days a week and do whatever my heart desires on a Monday. I am totally free, immersed in everything I've always dreamt of... coaching and teaching others, podcasting, writing, traveling, mom'n, and THRIVING. 

And now I am feeling on top of the world to have launched The Freedom Frequency Academy. This academy is an embodiment of my highest service to humanity, channeled from my heart and soul. I know it's here to lead thousands of people to self-liberation.

As a passionate mama freedompreneur, paradigm shifter, & freedom coach, I am on a mission to elevate the world by helping as many people as I can liberate themselves from the inside out, so they can create a life of deep fulfillment, true-north-alignment, and freedom. 

enroll now

Meet your teacher, Laura Jane

My certifications + experience:

I am a certified healer and coach, with the gift of helping my clients identify where they are experiencing blocks and limitations in their life energetically and subconsciously. 

I am certified in energy healing (reiki master healer), quantum energetics + human design, and emotional freedom technique.

I have spent the past 5 years studying and immersing myself in the world of quantum energetics, higher consciousness, the power of our subconscious mind, alchemy, and manifestation. 

This academy is pre-recorded. However, I plan to host a monthly group coaching call, which will start in the fall. Stay tuned!


Due to the nature of online courses, there are no refunds once purchased. If for any reason you are unable to complete the course, you can always reach out to me at

are there any live calls?

You will have lifetime access, including access to all additional lessons and activations I plan to continue adding. 

How long will I have access?

This is a self-paced course with 8 modules and 76 "micro" bite-sized lessons, which includes 2 hours of recorded video and 18 workbooks. You have total freedom of your time in this academy.

How much time will this take to complete?